Module 3 – Materials Technology: Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, 2025-10-27

Day One

  • Thermosetting (Thermoplastics materials and process)
  • Thermoplastics
  • Structure/manufacture
  • Terminology and examples
  • Homopolymer, Co-Polymer, Terpolymer, Alloys
  • Elements that affect the moulding process
  • Temperature and its effects
  • Theory and practical
  • Melt Flow Rate
  • Theory and practical
  • Molecular orientation
  • Theory and practical

Day Two

  • Flow behaviour of thermoplastics materials (injection time/speed)
  • Theory/practical
  • Gate shear rates
  • Injection speed versus component weight
  • Theory and practical
  • Extent of moulded in stress within moulded component
  • Theory/practical
  • Molecular structure for thermoplastics materials
  • Amorphous/semi-crystalline
  • Shrinkage behaviour of thermoplastic materials
  • Amorphous, semi-crystalline
  • Theory/practical

Day Three

  • Plastics additives
  • Colorants used with thermoplastics materials
  • Effect on shrinkage
  • Effect on moulding process and component properties
  • Identification of different thermoplastic materials
  • Material handling



Course Highlights

This is module three of a three module training course. See also:

Module One: Plasticisation & Melt Preparation

Module Two: Machine Control Technology, Setting Principles & Procedures

Course Prerequisites

Module One: Plasticisation & Melt Preparation

Module Two: Machine Control Technology, Setting Principles & Procedures

Additional Information




Peterborough, Cambridgeshire

Dates October 27, 2025 – October 30, 2025

12 seats available

Course Registration


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