What’s New? – In our opening session, we will bring you up to speed on what’s new with RJG®. From course updates and offerings to new tech tools, we want you to be equipped with the latest and greatest information.
Openers – In this session we will learn how opening your class properly creates engagement and why you need to break preoccupation for a successful learning experience. We will look at how to create and execute openers using the BAR method while giving you the opportunity to design and present an example in a small group environment.
Revisiters – When participants hear the instructor use the phrase “Let’s review”, our brain says, “Been there, done that”, and they tend to tune out. If people hear something one time, they will remember less than 10% after 30 days. If they hear it six times with interval reinforcement, they will remember as much as 90% after 30 days. In this session, you will learn a variety of revisit techniques to keep the interest level of participants high and help them stay engaged in the learning process. Review is when the trainer does it; Revisit is when the participants do it.
Energizers – Great training sessions keep participants energized with mental stimulators and physical activators. In this session learn different energizing techniques. Mental stimulators create “mental sparks” that stimulate the brain and keep participants ready to learn. Physical activators get the body moving and will get participants back into a learning mood with a refreshed body and refocused mind.
Closers – All too often, the day ends with “Any questions?” or “Thanks for coming!”. Learn why this is one of the worst ways to end a training session. We will demonstrate the components of what an effective closer looks like, why it is so important to do, and you’ll have the opportunity to conduct one in a small group environment.
E.A.T. Experience Awareness Theory – “Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them” is an outdated model that doesn’t tap into strategies that foster learning and long-term retention. Deliver your training with the E.A.T model, and discover the difference it makes.
CoPilot® Demo – Get a firsthand look at RJG®’s newest product – the CoPilot®. This will be an In-Lab demo of what the CoPilot® is, what purpose it has, the machine interface, and how to operate the CoPilot®. We will also introduce you to any new sensor technology, installation standards, and The Hub™.
Formative Assessments – Ever wish you had a crystal ball, so you could see if your participants are really “getting it” without having to give them a test? Discover various kinds of formative assessments that can give you feedback from the students at various points throughout the training event so you can adjust instruction accordingly.
Tech Tools and Engaging Difficult Participants – Are you finding it more and more difficult to engage millennials? How about those who have been in the industry for 20+ years? Or maybe you have someone who feels they were volun-told to come to your class. In any respect, we want to help give you ideas on to engage those difficult participants.
Giving Clear Directions – Have you ever given directions to your class for a group activity, only to find once the learners try to get started they look at each other and say, “Huh? What are we supposed to do?” We’ll review and practice some tips that will help you get activities started quickly and efficiently.
Before and After The Class – This session will cover how to prepare for class, how to order class material, and what necessary information we need sent back to us and why. Learn what the “extra” stuff is all about, the time frame for turning in class materials, and when you can expect certificates back.
Requalification Teaching Sessions – If you are attending the Forum as your tri-annual requalification event, you will be given a 30-minute block of time to practice teaching the concepts learned in the first two days to a group of your peers. This teaching session must be completed in order to maintain your qualification. Attendees that are not required to requalify will be participants in these training sessions.
*Course Highlights are subject to change
This is an invitation-only event for RJG’s Qualified Trainers. Only registrations from RJG’s current Qualified Trainers will be accepted.
Idioma |
Inglés |
Ubicación |
Opelika, Alabama |
Dates | September 16, 2025 – September 18, 2025 |
Please click on the purple button below to register for this course.
23 seats available